Miss Tang每年都會飞到Juilliard School of Music 學聽音樂,一個人坐在Paul Hall, 幻想將來我的學生能考上Juilliard School 就好了。在我心中,世界技術最高的樂手,都是Juilliard School 的博士班學生,在美國讀Doctoral 一般要本科之後8年,他們年約30, 對音樂演奏正是最有熱情,人生最燦爛的時光。
他來自北京,自幼家長已為他找全城至好的鋼琴老師,聽說他跟教授學琴的。他最近考皇家八級138分,我並沒有高興,開心的反而是他能把一首一首Chopin 和Liszt 背出來。兩年前我親身帶他到Juilliard School 學音樂,還有New York 其他地方,我覺得心血沒有白費,開了他眼界,引起他興趣。
今天,我決定為他考Juilliard School of Music 鋪路,有一天我要飞去美國看學生的演奏會,出席他們的畢業禮!
Miss Tang 有很多國內學生跟我學琴,說真的,國內學生基本功打得穩,又勤力練琴,吸收力強,來到我X前,我只需要教他們理解樂曲,分析,處理每一粒音符,每一句,每一段,每一首,不用再教基本功。
Juilliard School 的Live Audition 要彈45分鐘,包括以下:
- Bach: A prelude and fugue from The Well-Tempered Clavier or another work containing a fugue. (No transcriptions permitted.)
- One of the following:
- An entire sonata by Beethoven (excluding Opp. 14, 49, and 79), or
- One of the following Haydn sonatas: Hob. 20, 23, 32, 46, 49, 50, 52, or
- One of the following Mozart sonatas: K. 281, 284, 310, 332, 333, 457, 533, or 576, or
- One of the following Schubert sonatas: D. 568, 664, 784, 845, 850, 894, 958, 959, 960, or the Wanderer Fantasie, D. 760.
- A substantial composition by Chopin, Schumann, Brahms, Liszt, or Mendelssohn. (Etudes, nocturnes, short dances, waltzes, or comparable pieces are not acceptable.)
- Two virtuosic etudes:
- one by Chopin, and
- one by Bartók, Debussy, Ligeti, Liszt, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, or Stravinsky.
- A substantial work, or a collection of shorter works, of the applicant’s choice which is:
- in a different style and by a composer other than those represented in the previous requirements, and
- not less than six minutes.